About this Blog

Let’s reminisce for a moment and think back to the gold ol' 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s. It was a time when women dressed like ladies.  A woman took pride in her personal appearance and put effort into how she was presented in public. 

Those are some classy lookin' ladies!

Now open your eyes and take a look around you right now. There’s a pretty good chance you'll see women wearing sweatpants to the grocery store, flip-flops to restaurants, mini-skirts at the office and butt cheeks jiggling down the sidewalk!  

Now I'm all for being comfortable and practical too, but let's get real for a second.  In a society where you are judged based on how you look and where you only get ONE chance to make a first impression, throwing on any outfit just because it's "comfortable" isn't going to cut it. And squeezing yourself into those daisy duke shorts and clevage bearing tops isn't doing all that much to enhance your reputation.  The harsh reality is that appearances DO matter, and how you look affects how you are going to be treated.

Fashion might not be your "thing", but if it's negatively impacting your upward mobility at work, getting that second date or being taken seriously by friends and family, it's time to step it up.  Looking stylish and classy will make a huge difference in your confidence and your ability to achieve what you want out of life.  

Given that women have so many options today for where to shop and how to style ourselves, we should use this opportunity to inject some serious swank into our everyday wardrobe.  However women have overlooked this great opportunity and have traded in class and style for sweatpants and Crocs.

So that's why I started this blog. Don't worry - I'm not trying to bring back shoulder pads or tell you to dress like Audrey Hepburn everyday (although she is super classy).  I realize we live in the 2000's, HOWEVER, I just think there's a dire need for fashion ideas and tutorials that are classy and appropriate, but still modern and practical at the same time.  

I'm a young professional living in downtown Toronto, and I'm constantly vexed by the modern day mindset of "I don't care", or "But, it's comfortable", way of thinking.  I think that people should get dressed up every day because they can. I firmly believe people should put their best self forward at all times because you never know when you're going to bump into the CEO of your company, an important client, or, gasp, an ex-boyfriend.

So if you want to step up your class-factor a notch, but can't afford to replace your entire wardrobe - don't despair.  I realize that everyone, including myself, does not have an unlimited budget for clothes.  But there are ways (and I'm here to show them to you!) to mix high and low pieces and to spot quality so that you can walk out your door every morning feeling like a million bucks.  

Everyone can be classy - it just takes a bit of inspiration and creativity!
Thanks for reading!

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